1. Where are you doing your mentorship?
-My mentorship for Gracie Jiu-Jitsu is at the Gracie Combatives Certified Training Center in La Puente. I train with Jorge Balares who is a 1st stripe Purple Belt in the art and is my mentor for Senior Project.
2. Who is your contact?
-My contact would be my mentor, Jorge. He is my mentor and also is the head instructor of the La Puente Combatives school.
3. How many total hours have you done (total hours should be reflected in your mentorship log located on the right hand side of your blog like your WB)?
- In total, I have been able to log in 21ish hours. I did have some dates that I forgot to record so I really have about 30 hours but I just forgot the days.
4. Summarize the 10 hours of service you did.
-It feels like cheat being able to call this service xD. Anyways, throughout my mentorship, every training experience can be divided into 3 parts; Observation, execution, and reflection. This is the daily class method of learning for Combatives. Depending on how what lesson we may learn that day, the schedule is divided into "slices" and every slice of class focuses on a different variation of the move/technique we are learning. Observation begins every slice with the instructors demonstrating to us the first variation about 4-5 times all from multiple points of view to fully grasp what position our bodies should be in and clear "most common mistakes" and open the mat for questions. Then comes execution, and this is the part where we partner up and get a physical feel for what the move is like and build muscle memory (eventually). Finally we have reflection which is sort of like "The Pentagon" in a was that we give each other constructive criticism on what we did right, what we can better ourselves on, and can we better it?. Repeat this by 4 slices and you have an average class in Combatives. Repeat this by 3 days a week and you get my service in a nutshell.
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