Friday, August 30, 2013

Blog 4: Interview Preparation

1.  Who do you plan to interview?  Why?
Answer: I was planning on interviewing one of my secondary instructors, Han, Paul, or Alex. They are Gracie blue belts that have many years practicing and have much more knowledge in what to do in a fight than me. I could have interviewed my mentor, George, but i felt that i should save him for later in case if i needed even more information for a later interview. Either way i am leaning to interview Han, he was a Navy enlist who used Jiu Jitsu to survive basic training and he was also exposed to other martial art styles overseas. He is constantly at my class teaching when George cannot which means he is accessible too.

 2.  You have to ask 5 questions.  What additional questions do you plan to ask?  Ask open-ended questions.
1) What is most important to remember when practicing Jiu Jitsu?
2) What should people new to GJJ expect as a difference in workout or training?
3) What is most demanding from this art?
4) How can you train your body to be ready for a fight?
5) What products has Jiu Jitsu brought to the martial art world?

Working Bibliography:  WB

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Blog 3: Topic Choice and Semester 1 ESLR Goals

1.  List your topic here:
-My topic will be Jiu-Jitsu but to be specific, i will be training in Gracie(Brazilian) Jiu-Jitsu.

2.  What do you plan to do this year to show growth in each of the ESLRs?  Be specific and use an example.  Examples can come from senior project, model assembly, core, and/or participation in senior class ASB or other organizations on campus (clubs etc).

Effective iPoly Citizen:
-AwarenessIn terms of Awareness i am doing well in my eyes. Last year i was rarely tardy and the days i were absent were excused due to sickness, and senior year is no exception for me. In terms of community service, i have already started to serve my community whether it be in church events, my own middle school; where i went on my last days of summer break and whenever i have a school day off, or even The Red Cross. I not only plan to reach my 200 hour requirement but i also aim to exceed it. Finally, just being a good student by following rules is common sense for me.
-Responsibility: When it comes to taking responsibility i will hold account to my own actions, however, i will not hold responsibility i did not do or did not have some part in it. For me responsibility means i had a direct affect in that action, and if i fail that action, then i will be responsible. Blatantly, I will be the best student i could be. I will respect my teachers by having everything that they have assigned to me done for their class and participate willingly. I will have an open mind to ideas and to anything my classmates may present to me.
-Involvement: I already consider myself involved in iPoly and its community by being editor in yearbook and an active volunteer whenever iPoly has any community events. However, there is always room for improvement so despite my schedule plan to be active in senior committees and if possible with my time, H.O.P.E. club. I am not afraid to step out of my comfort zone and meet new underclassmen. I tend to keep respectful relationships with my past teachers and will still give them the respect they deserve.
-Interdependence: I realize that integrity is something earned not given, and for that i am always trying to commit when i say something and do my best when i am given a task. When i tell others what high school i come from i do so with pride as they know the challenges we face and in doing so have an image of responsibility and i do not fail that image. For example i went to an SAT prep class and the director saw my dedication and my amount of responsibility and time management, from there she grew in amazement in iPoly and what it molds it students to become. As always, when i volunteer and say i'm from iPoly i carry myself responsibly knowing that my actions reflect my school.

Effective iPoly Learner:
-Consistency:I am aiming to be more organized this year, i have a white board in my room noting all my responsibilities and have bought a planner for class. the past years i have occasionally relied on fellow class mates for the homework and i noticed the irresponsibility and wanted a change.
-Creative and Active: This year i want to step up in my leadership role and help those that need my assistance; we are a class together, its something i can improve on in iPoly and in my community.
-Academic Performance: I not only aim to be proficient in all my classes but also approaching exemplary in some of them. Especially in my math based courses.
-Autonomy: This year i hope to better myself with my own learning by organization. Lacking it was my downfall for not studying and for whenever i missed assignments.

Effective User Of Technology:
-Access: During iPoly i realized much of the AE works had outstanding visual aesthetics and considering that much of my senior year are presentations and independent work it dawned that i can no longer rely on that tech savvy group member. With that said i will learn to use any form of design or aesthetic studies.
-Skills: This is again mmy goal to learn. Digital aesthetics are my weakness so i hope to improve on that by practice and occasional practice from yearbook.
-Application: This is modern age and basically anything you think can be done on a computer. It's is up to me this year to learn to make what i visualize in my head onto my computer or board. I will learn to apply my ideas in my projects to give myself that AE edge.
-Integration: Not much to improve her besides DOING it. the more i add and more effort the more my project can only be better.

Effective Communicator:
-Respect: I admit, i do at times try and voice myself louder than others and it goes horrible when i am wrong, therefore this year i plan to be as open as i can to hear and respect everyone's say before collaborating to decide.
-Collaboration: With group work i tend to be lenient with other members and do the work myself to have it my way, but i realize that it is group work and they might have had a certain possibly better idea so for collaboration i could work on visualizing both ideas and if possible merge the two for both our satisfaction or if needed just exercise an open mind to choose the best for the group.
-Proffesionalism: When presenting i tend to become monotone and complicate and provide more details than necessary, in doing so it makes my presentation worse so what i can improve on is public speaking. this year i am managing the writers from yearbook so i am developing my people to people skills, it will make me a better speaker and even better communicator.
-Demonstration: I will perform everything i am practicing to my fullest potential. The whole world is full of people so how else to practice than to interact and actually demonstrate.

Working Bibiography

Monday, August 19, 2013

Blog 2: Summer Mentorship Component

1. (Know) Using google doc (drive) link a log of specific hours and a description of your duties
Overall my role in my studio is to learn as a student of Gracie Jiu Jitsu it is expected of me to help others in focusing on their technique and on whatever questions they may have. I observe those that rank higher than me and i learn from their actions and most of all mistakes as they most likely my own as well. My duty is to be a student but also be a teacher to everyone else

2. What is the contact name & number of where you volunteered?
Answer: I study at the Gracie Certified Training Center run by George Balares. He can be reached at his studios number, (855) 455-2454.

3. (Need to know) What questions were raised because of the 10 hours of experience?  List them.
-My only question asks what i should focus on while mentoring. Should i focus on learning from people more knowledgable? or do i try and be mentors to those that are less experienced as me? Is it a culmination of both?

4. What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?
Answer: The most significant outcome from my summer mentorship was probably the ideas that i created for my senior project. Granted that this idea is completely susceptible to change due to my EQ but if it goes along the line, hey, it works! My idea is to take many action still photos or possibly even video of myself performing escapes, controls, or submissions all after a certain descriptive situation. The audience would then look at the scenario (prior to a lesson of basic GJJ) and decide which one was the best choice. It would be an activity for my component that i find appealing to the audience and interactive as well. Having such an activity will force the listeners to dissect the moves like real GJJ fighters do. I consider this my achievement because even if this activity fails i am looking at what GJJ asks from a fighter and also why every move has its own time to use. the more observant i am the more i see the details that could eventually help i. the year.

5. How did what you did help you choose a topic?  Please explain.
Answer: Luckily for me i already had an idea that i wanted to make GJJ be my senior project. This summer mentorship has helped me because i have started to see what i missed two years ago and now i see the various sub topics of GJJ from the family history of the art to the effect on UFC and the modern world of martial arts, to even the mental and physical toll it takes for your body to use jiu jitsu properly. It helped me solidify my topic choice and reassure my choice in pursuing this all senior year round.