Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Brotherly Love

Hey everyone! So I'm doing a post that to everyone might seem like something simple, but every brother sibling knows. Its brother fights and in my family it's a fight on the next level.

Now if you didn't know, my brother and I both learned martial arts when I was around 10, and ever since then our normal brother on brother fights have never been quite...simple. We both learned Kajukenbo, which became my transition art to Jiu-Jitsu, and now our brawls have evolved into body shot and grappling on brotherly love level. Its starts like a regular moment, but then (for example) when my brother asks me for a pen...and I chuck it to him...It's ON!
 So the first picture is a classic example as to what happens when I fail a double leg takedown. He grabs my legs flips me and trows me on the floor. The Second picture shows my back given to him and there he has a figure four leg formation on my waist to constrict my breathing he tried to get a rear naked choke, but he failed...I think. The third picture is of i successful rear naked choke on me. I asked him two things here, is it better to tuck in your chin in that position or is it better to turn left (in my case)(away from the elbow).

These fights aren't serious melees, but to use its a way to show each other what we've learned from the East and West Coast. My Brother trained in his own dojo in New York near Chinatown with his instructor who actually trained with Grandmaster Helio Gracie. From there he's fought blue belts and purple belts and been actively used as an example for his class. Likewise for me, I train in a Gracie Certified training center in which my main instructor, Jorge Balares, goes and trains in Torrance every weekend with now Grandmaster Rorion Gracie.

These brawls are what we long for and its rare for a day to go by without any Jiu-Jitsu practiced in on choke or another. Later on either tonight or tomorrow morning i'll try and post a video of us rolling from some time ago.

Now, I leave you with a pic I found on Pinterest....Get it? :D

Happy New Year Guys : )